An evening with Purity Ring

When I first heard “Crawlersout” last year, I became addicted to Purity Ring. The addiction lives on, and now I can say I have had the chance to enjoy them live.

It makes me really happy when I enjoy a band and then discover that they are Canadian. This has been happening a lot lately, and I have to say our home grown talent is always getting bigger and better.

Purity Ring hails from Edmonton, Alberta. An electronic duo with a radical on-stage set up, the beats will get you moving and Megan James’ voice will truly mesmerize you. I find a lot of the songs to be really dreamy and their unique stage presence makes the show unforgettable. It will probably haunt me for awhile, but only in the best of ways.

The last time I went to Ritual Nightclub, we faced a rather small crowd while waiting for Trust to play. I wasn’t sure what to expect last night, but the sold out show was packed way before the main act even hit the stage. This was the first night of the tour, and if last night signals anything, the rest of the tour is going to be amazing.

The night started out slow, at first there was plenty of room to twist and mingle with others. It was obviously a night of electronic duos, as both bands that hit the stage prior to Purity Ring were small in size but big in sound. The first band confused me, and they didn’t say much. However the singer did proclaim “We are Space, we are Time. We are Space and Time.” He then laughed and I realized this must be their band name. The music was cool, but upon returning home I was disappointed that I was unable to figure out exactly who these guys are, or where I can find their music. (Note: If anyone reading this does, let me know?!)

In any case, it was oddly tropical, hip swaying, and enjoyable.

Blue Hawaii came onstage with a full house staring back at them. This would probably seem intimidating to most, but they took it in stride, and were amazing. By the end of their set the audience was begging for more.  It’s also fun to note that these two are Canadian – from Montreal. They promised a dance party, but started it out slow. Easing us in. It was gentle and fun, and her voice echoed around us. The beat grew faster. We pushed forward. We danced. I’m sure it was overwhelming for them, because I heard her giggling at the end, telling us our favourite band would be coming on soon.

But I have to say, if I ever hear that this band is around again, wherever I may be, I will have to see them. Truly awesome, and I’m not even sure how to describe them – but their experimental nature is enthralling and certainly doesn’t fit any typical musical description.

When Purity Ring finally came onstage, everything became tight and hot. Everyone was eager to push their way forward to get a glimpse. Of course, the stage set up is incredible, with bee-hive like lights strung about us, flickering with the music. That was the most impressive part, how they make their music and their lights one, tapping little lamps to create a sound while simultaneously creating a glow.

They perform so nonchalantly, and the audience in return sways, but we were calm for the most part. Mostly caught up in the music, the crowd was pulsing together like one giant heart.

It’s shows like this that give me hope for the future, when people can safely cram themselves into a small space, holding one another up and letting the mood take over. Happiness radiating from all around, we are just here to listen to bands play awesome music, and maybe drink a few beers in the mean time.

One thought on “An evening with Purity Ring

  1. Pingback: Interviews with Purity Ring and The Matinée – S08E33 | The WildWorks Station

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